NOTICE: This website was created by an independent student organization at the University of Connecticut. The views and opinions expressed within are strictly those of the page authors. The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by the University of Connecticut and should be verified independently.

Current and Previous Members:

Name of Member: Date joined:
Alma Sabovic 10/16/2013
Besard Gjoni 9/24/2012
Blerina Mukallari 3/6/2013
Blerta Mulla 4/10/2013
Dea Gorka 10/2/2013
Dejvis Bejolli 1/5/2012
Dhurata Lluhani 9/26/2012
Endrit Zylali 10/16/2013
Enkelejda Ago 10/16/2013
Erion Malo 2/5/2012
Gazment Sosoli 9/25/2012
Gresa Kukaj 10/15/2013
Hamit Fazo 9/11/2014
Ilir Sabovic 2/6/2012
Ina Lico 7/2/2012
Irini Agaraj 1/6/2012
Jillian Fergione 10/27/2013
Johnny Rexha 5/22/2013
Jola Mehmeti 10/16/2013
Jola Duro 10/16/2013
Katrina Higgins 11/9/2011
Klair Lubonja 11/14/2011
Klint Bejleri 11/14/2011
Maria Agaraj 4/30/2012
Marinela Maxhari 10/16/2013
Marsilda Bialczak 7/10/2013
Rebecca Metaj 10/20/2014
Skender Djokovic 3/6/2013
Sonja Nishku 9/25/2012
Suzan Talo 4/24/2014
Vannesa Kello 10/7/2012
Vienna Sufka 10/16/2013